Việt Nam tung hỏa mù về năng lực y tế

Sau khi tự hào chính thức ra mắt bộ kít phát hiện cúm viêm phổi Vũ Hán ‘made in Vietnam’ chuẩn WHO, Việt Nam lại đề nghị Hàn Quốc hỗ trợ kit chẩn đoán nhanh loại cúm này. Những thông…
Person 0 – evidence of charges against China

The South China Morning Post reported on March 13, 2020, citing Chinese government documents that the first case of Wuhan infection in the country was discovered on November 17, 2019, not in December as previously announced. The source said the…
Isolation Applied Worldwide, Risk of Global Recession Appears

In recent days, in turn, countries around the world have closed their borders, some countries have aggressively implemented national or regional isolations to halt spreading of the Wuhan pneumonia disease. As long as 12 years after the global financial crisis…