Đổi chác dâm và cưỡng dâm trong chính trường

Link Video: https://youtu.be/XLIuidf_7pc Sau đúng 10 năm từ khi đưa ra Quy định 47-QĐ/TW về những điều đảng viên không được làm, Đảng CSVN đã có văn bản mới, Quy định 37-QĐ/TW. Mặc dù cả hai đều có số điều…
Vietnam’s economy is heavily affected by Covid-19

Every month, nearly 10,000 enterprises suspend business for a definite time, stop operating, wait for dissolution procedures, and complete dissolution procedures. That is the number announced by Vietnam’s General Statistics Office and announced by the state-controlled media on October 29.…
Vietnam adjusts anti-epidemic to keep foreign investment attraction

Many factories and workshops in industrial zones in southern Vietnam are facing a paradox: reopening production but lack of human resources. Without consistent and smooth epidemic prevention measures from the central to local levels to facilitate the resumption of production…